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frodo the fearful

you're a multicultural institute - what's your take on this piece i found
on the web. Looks like a very mature analysis of a potentially explosive situation to me - found your site via google

so what do the experts think about what should be done then?

will you stray into the political domain at your conference?

what can be done in such a kaleidoscopically complex situation?


If we ask "what is to be done?" the answer is: many different things in different places. We must be foxes, not hedgehogs, to recall Isaiah Berlin's famous use of a fragment of Archilochus: "The fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Against the strident hedgehogs of Fox News we must continue to insist that this is not all just one big War on Terror, to be won by the Good Guys eliminating the Bad Guys.


Ultimately, this is a challenge as much for European societies as for European governments. Much of the discrimination in France, for example, is the result of decisions by individual employers, who are going against the grain of public policy and the law of the land. It's the personal attitudes and behavior of hundreds of millions of non-Muslim Europeans, in countless small, everyday interactions, that will determine whether their Muslim fellow citizens begin to feel at home in Europe or not. Together, of course, with the personal choices of millions of individual Muslims, and the example given by their spiritual and political leaders.

Is it likely that Europeans will rise to this challenge? I fear not. Is it still possible? Yes. But it's already five minutes to midnight—and we are drinking in the last chance saloon.

full text at:


frodo the fearful

Term papers

Many Congrats to you May you have that as u want, Wish you a best of luck.

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